Blog software update

I've finally gotten around to upgrading b2evolution to a v2.x series release. In my usual manner, it took the v3.0 alpha release to spur me out of my inactivity. The version I'd been using up until today was released in November 2007, so it really was… more »

Adventures in Web 3.0: Part 1 - HTML 5

Last week I was reading about the Event Apart re-design which uses HTML5. I have remained peripherally aware of HTML 5 (I'm on the mailing list) but mostly I've just been following the ongoing debate about adding RDFa to the spec (which has seemed, at b… more »

hCard Buttons Across the Web

A while back I made some buttons for various microformats, then discovered the official home for them and so added them into the wiki. This has had the side effect that many naive developers simply copy and past the code for the button from the wiki int… more »

Fedora 10: No fonts after update

I setup Fedora 10 on a new (to me) IBM ThinkPad the other day. I've run into a couple of little niggles - the wireless network decided to stop working with NetworkManager, however system-config-services won't currently run so it still starts by default.… more »

Internet Explorer Gets Some Oomph

Microformats are supported quite well in Firefox these days thanks to the Operator extension, but the 70-80% of web users still using Internet Explorer might have been wondering what all the fuss is about. Now, thanks to MIX Online, they finally have a… more »

Mozilla Ubiquity

Mozilla announced a new labs project, Ubiquity, last week. It's intended to be a keyboard driven interface to advanced functionality in the web browser, similar to Gnome Do, which I've been using a lot recently, and the Mac application Quicksilver. I… more »

IE8 Beta 2

I previously did a review of the first IE8 beta, the second one came out a few days ago so I thought it would be worth a follow up post. Here are the main things I noticed:Activities are now called 'Accelerators' though otherwise seem to be largely the… more »