pam-login and shadow on Gentoo

I have a small partition on my work laptop on which I have installed Gentoo. Most of my work stuff requires the use of windows so it doesn't get used that often, but yesterday I decided it was high time I got everything up to date. I ran an 'emerge --s… more »

UT2004 on FC5

My not very fun experience with Fedora Core 5 took a turn for the worse two weeks ago when I discovered that it also failed to run UT2004. I spent a few hours installing updates and trying to figure out what was wrong while I should have been enjoying m… more »

Jeff Barr and Amazon Web Services

A short post to say I really enjoyed this talk. Jeff was a very enthusiastic speaker and these Amazon web services look very interesting, particularly S3 and the Mechanical Turk. There were quite a few examples of sites using the services which we had… more »

FC5 and fglrx

Livna has made the process of installing fglrx in Fedora remarkably easy, once you've figured out that the FAQ is now out of date anyway. The kernel module packages now have different names (the new name is kmod-fglrx), this information is on the front… more »

Fedora Core 5

I am just now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of one of the worst upgrades I've ever experienced. I downloaded the FC5 ISOs earlier in the week, in CD form because there was a server with only a CD drive I wanted to try installing it on, burnt… more »

SuSE and fglrx

Spent several hours trying to install the fglrx driver on my SuSE 10 machine last night. Followed this step by step guide as well as the one on the Novell site and finally the one from the ATI site before I finally figured out what the problem was - alt… more »

Rico and Scriptaculous together

I did some more work using the Rico and Scriptaculous libraries today and I came across two things it might be useful to know: 1. IE treats the name attribute on form fields as if it was an ID, Firefox doesn't. It took me a while to figure this one o… more »