DevelopMentor Connected Systems Roadshow

I've spent the last two days at the Microsoft Campus, in Thames Valley Park, Reading, at the DevelopMentor Connected Systems Roadshow. There were two tracks - 'Connected Systems' and 'Building Next-Generation Secure & Robust ASP.Net Applications', b… more »

In-the-Brain of Dave Crane: Design Patterns for AJAX!

Tonight I've been to a free talk at Skillsmatter by Dave Crane, all round Javascript guru and co-author of my favorite Ajax books: Ajax in Action. I missed the start of it, thanks to the usual high standard of service on the underground, but I was the… more »

Little buttons of sharing

I've long been jealous of all the little buttons everyone else seems to have on their blogs (have a look at the section 'like this article, share it' on mike-o-matic), to let their readers add the posts to digg or reddit or whatever other social link sha… more »

Startups suffer funding slump

I got my copy of Computing today (one day late) and the main story on the cover was Startups suffer funding slump by James Brown: According to figures from the British Venture Capital Association, investment in early-stage technology companies fell from… more »


I started reading Using Microformats on Safari yesterday and was inspired. You should now find hCards on both the Blog and the About Us pages on this site, and I also started applying hResume to my CV. That's all very well, you may be saying, but wha… more »

Upgrading to Firefox 2.0 on Windows XP

This morning I upgraded to Firefox 2.0, though I didn't install the official build :) There were a number of obstacles to overcome to get everything working the way I wanted it, here is my story... The first thing I did was make a backup of my entire… more »

Fixing Serendipity Atom Feeds

I have another blog, less technical than this one, which runs Serendipity. I was upgrading to the latest version (a task long neglected) when I noticed that my Atom feeds weren't producing valid XML. The problem was caused by some URLs which had ampers… more »