Categories: "Web Develop"

Mono, Linux and .Net

Having done quite a bit of work with Micro$oft'$ .Net framework at work in the last few weeks I was intrigued by the recent announcement from Ximian/Novell of the 1.0 release of Mono, the open source re-implementation of .Net. I downloaded all the RPMs… more »

Well, it's been a while...

More than two months since I made a post, thought it was about time. In the last two months I have mostly been messing around with PHP and MySQL, trying to get a protected re-seller area up and running on the work website and, more recently, converting… more »

phpBB 2.0.6

Upgraded the Family Forum to phpBB 2.0.6 today. All went well, downloaded the full version, copied my config.php file in and uploaded the entire thing to the website then ran the update script and it all worked. Some new features I've installed for tes… more »

Komodo 2.5

Downloaded the new versions a few days ago, it works beautifully on Windows but for some reason I get an error 'The file /content/jaguar.xul cannot be found' when running on RH9.0. Sent an email to ActiveState and just got a reply back - setting the MOZ… more »
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