Categories: "Web Design"

CSS with PHP

Last week I re-designed the home page of my personal website as the previous version was quite plain looking, mostly because I'd never gotten around to updating it. I had a visual theme for most of the sub-pages, a strong graphic as a background 'column… more »

Adventures in Web 3.0: Part 2 - CSS 3

Some time ago I wrote a post about my initial experiments with HTML 5. At the time I envisaged a series of posts as I explored new and future web technologies, so far it's been a series of length one :) But after Standards Next last weekend I've been i… more »

Standards.Next HTML5

Review: Standards.Next HTML5 at Bricklayer's Arms, 31 Gresse Street, London, W1T 1QY 13:00 to 17:30 This was a free event with several speakers covering several aspects of the draft HTML5 standard. It wasn't an ideal venue for presentations as there… more »

Things I did last year (part two)

Following on from Wednesday's post, this post covers the last six months of 2008 and the early part of 2009. This should finally get me up to date and back to the point where I can post about things I did last week without a guilty conscience :) Even i… more »

Blogging motivations and things I did last year (part one)

In the admin pages of this blog (when I first started writing this post, five months ago!) I have a 'list view' for posts which has a few pertinent details alongside the post title - notably date and visibility (published or draft). In pages thirteen to… more »

Adventures in Web 3.0: Part 1 - HTML 5

Last week I was reading about the Event Apart re-design which uses HTML5. I have remained peripherally aware of HTML 5 (I'm on the mailing list) but mostly I've just been following the ongoing debate about adding RDFa to the spec (which has seemed, at b… more »

Mozilla Ubiquity

Mozilla announced a new labs project, Ubiquity, last week. It's intended to be a keyboard driven interface to advanced functionality in the web browser, similar to Gnome Do, which I've been using a lot recently, and the Mac application Quicksilver. I… more »