Category: "Fedora / Red Hat"

FC5 and fglrx

Livna has made the process of installing fglrx in Fedora remarkably easy, once you've figured out that the FAQ is now out of date anyway. The kernel module packages now have different names (the new name is kmod-fglrx), this information is on the front… more »

Fedora Core 5

I am just now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of one of the worst upgrades I've ever experienced. I downloaded the FC5 ISOs earlier in the week, in CD form because there was a server with only a CD drive I wanted to try installing it on, burnt… more »

Upgrading HDDs with Linux

My major achievement last week at work was adding a new hard disk drive to one of my Linux servers This probably doesn't seem like such a major achievement to many people, but the way I've managed it in the past is to re-install the OS on the new drive… more »

Cups-PDF continued

Just a short note to confirm that I tried this at work - a Red Hat 9 server I have hosting our intranet. I built an RPM from the SRPM available on the Cups-PDF website, which was easy enough once I'd installed a few devel packages through yum. Set up t… more »

Cups-PDF on Fedora Core 3

I discovered Cups PDF today, it is a 'virtual printer' which allows you to create PDF documents by printing which can then be shared throughout the network, in much the same way as Acrobat does on Windows. This is something I'd tried to achieve before,… more »

Samba, SMB Master Browsers and IPTables

I recently discovered the source of an intermittent problem I was experiencing on the network at home. When browsing the SMB network my PC would timeout and not find any other servers, though trying to go directly to those servers would succeed. I thou… more »

SMP Kernel = No keyboard!

I have come across a strange problem on my WBEL system (dual PIII, 2Gb Ram, 2.4.21-27smp kernel, all latest patches). When I boot it up I can use the keyboard to select in Grub, I can use the keyboard while booting to 'press Y to force filesystem check'… more »
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