Category: "Blogging and Internet Culture"

Things I did last year (part two)

Following on from Wednesday's post, this post covers the last six months of 2008 and the early part of 2009. This should finally get me up to date and back to the point where I can post about things I did last week without a guilty conscience :) Even i… more »

Blogging motivations and things I did last year (part one)

In the admin pages of this blog (when I first started writing this post, five months ago!) I have a 'list view' for posts which has a few pertinent details alongside the post title - notably date and visibility (published or draft). In pages thirteen to… more »

Blog software update

I've finally gotten around to upgrading b2evolution to a v2.x series release. In my usual manner, it took the v3.0 alpha release to spur me out of my inactivity. The version I'd been using up until today was released in November 2007, so it really was… more »

IT’S A MASHUP: The End of Business as Usual

Review: Andy Mulholland - The End of Business as Usual at BCS, 5 Southampton Street, London WC2 October 15th, 18:15 to 20:15 I went to this BCS North London branch event because they usually have an 'enterprisey' slant and this one was supposed to be a… more »

The only book you'll ever need

It's been a while since I posted anything, I actually have two half written posts sitting in draft status which I'll get around to eventually, but this morning I'm inspired to write :) I followed a link from raganwald's post to The Little MLer on Amaz… more »

Startups suffer funding slump

I got my copy of Computing today (one day late) and the main story on the cover was Startups suffer funding slump by James Brown: According to figures from the British Venture Capital Association, investment in early-stage technology companies fell from… more »

Fixing Serendipity Atom Feeds

I have another blog, less technical than this one, which runs Serendipity. I was upgrading to the latest version (a task long neglected) when I noticed that my Atom feeds weren't producing valid XML. The problem was caused by some URLs which had ampers… more »
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