Archives for: "August 2009"

Links for August 30th

Clamato: A Smalltalk Dialect for JavaScript - A self-hosting Smalltalk compiler written entirely in Javascript.Tags: Javascript; Smalltalk; Web; Development; ArsDigita University Curriculum - Lecture notes, course work and (in some cases… more »

Links for August 23rd

Kirk's Rants: Software Developers Should Never Have Dress Codes - Analysis of the real reason behind corporate dress codes.Tags: BlogPost; Development; Management;  HTML5 Microdata JavaScript - Gitorious - A Javascript implementation of the HTML5 Mi… more »

Links for August 16th

Rands In Repose: The Book Stalker - The love of books as an antidote to Web 2.0 fueled, attention limited, Twitter driven relationship.Tags: BlogPost; Books; Culture;  Blind Search - Compare search engine results without being influenced by branding… more »

Links for August 9th

How long is it going to take? - Accurately estimate the length of any project, no matter how many lines of code are required and what developer and soft drink machine resources you have available.Tags: Development; Tools; Humour;  Text Rotation with… more »

CSS with PHP

Last week I re-designed the home page of my personal website as the previous version was quite plain looking, mostly because I'd never gotten around to updating it. I had a visual theme for most of the sub-pages, a strong graphic as a background 'column… more »

Links for August 2nd

WPS: PostScript for the Web - A postscript interpreter implemented using javascript and the HTML5 Canvas API.Tags: HTML5; Javascript; PDF; Library;  CSS Colors: Take Control Using PHP - Use PHP to generate your CSS, which allows a number of refineme… more »