SearchMonkey Developer Event

Review: SearchMonkey Developer Event at Wallacespace, 2 Dryden Street, Covent Garden, London, England. WC2E 9NA. 18:30 to 20:00 I'd heard quite a lot about SearchMonkey, Yahoo!'s new search platform but not got around to checking it out, so I was hopi… more »

London Geek Nights: Ajax

Review: London Geek Nights: Ajax at London offices of ThoughtWorks UK. 18:30 to 20:30 First up was a talk by Remy Sharp on jQuery. I got the impression there were a fair few folk there who didn't have much experience with Javascript so it was quite in… more »

Fixing WackoWiki for PHP 5

For a long time now, I've had a WackoWiki implementation on my (not so technical) personal site. It was upgraded from a WikkaWiki which was installed back in March 2003, which makes it about four months older than this blog :) Anyway, the point is it… more »

Amarok Issues with Ogg on Kubuntu

I just spent an hour fannying around with Amarok because it suddenly refused to play Ogg Vorbis encoded files. The correct solution turned out to be in this thread on the Ubuntu forums. The problem I was getting in Amarok was a message like this every… more »

In The Brain of Peter Elst: The evolution of the Flash Platform & ActionScript 3.0

Review: The evolution of the Flash Platform & ActionScript 3.0 at Skills Matter, Sekforde Street, London 18:30 to 20:00 This was my final London Web Week event, my curiosity for Flash had been piqued somewhat by my attendance at the onAIR London ev… more »

WSG London Findability Meetup

Review: Web Standards Group London Meetup at Westminster University, New Cavendish Street campus, London 19:00 to 21:00 Concepts of Findability (Cyril Doussin) - This was a whirlwind tour of the subject of findability, mostly based on Peter Morville's A… more »

Microformats vEvent

It's London Web Week, which means there are lots of events on. I plan to go to three of them myself, the first of which was last night's Microformats vEvent. Review: Microformats vEvent at The Yorkshire Grey, Holborn, London 19:00 to 21:30 The venue w… more »