Category: "Delicious"

Links for July 5th

HTML5 Drum Kit | RandomThink Labs - Tags: HTML5; Javascript; Music;  appscale - Google Code - Open source but compatible alternative to Google AppEngine.Tags: Web; Development; Cloud; AppEngine;  html5doctor, helping you implement html5 today -… more »

Links for June 28th

Implement Web cut-and-paste using Atom XML and Firefox XUL - Create a web clipboard using a server side XML database and a Firefox extension.Tags: FirefoxExtensions; Development; Tutorial; XML;  CSS Creator Playing with CSS3 - Demo page of several C… more »

Links for June 21st

Get ready for Firefox 3.0 - IBM developerWorks extension of the Finkle tutorial on offline web applications in FirefoxTags: Tutorial; HTML5; Firefox; Web; Development; Javascript;  Mark Finkle’s Weblog » Firefox 3 – Offline App Demo – Part 2 - Tutor… more »

Links for June 14th

Why Horst W.J. Rittel Matters - Tags: Design; Politics; Essay;  Sometimes, The Better You Program, The Worse You Communicate. - Tags: BlogPost; Communication; Development; Management;  microsyntax / FrontPage - Like microformats, except for pla… more »
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