Category: "Front End Web Development"

Building a compressed prototype + scriptaculous with YUI Compressor

Skip the reading and go straight to the latest version of protoaculous. A while back I started using protoaculous.js, a combined and compressed version of the Prototype.js and Scriptaculous in a single file. Unfortunately, as time went by and both Pr… more »

Adobe onAIR London 2008 (Afternoon)

Review: onAIR London 2008 - Afternoon Sessions at onAIR London 2008, The Brewery in London, 52 Chiswell Street, London 12:15 to 17:00 Deploying and Updating AIR Applications (Serge Jespers) - Serge covered the nuts and bolts of deploying AIR application… more »

Adobe onAIR London 2008 (Morning)

Review: onAIR London 2008 - Morning Sessions at onAIR London 2008, The Brewery in London, 52 Chiswell Street, London 10:00 to 12:15 Free stuff and breakfast - Everyone who attended got a free t-shirt and an O'Reilly Shortcut, Flex 3 Early Evaluation: As… more »

Web Development for the Blackberry Pearl

We had a potential client which wanted to use our web application on their Blackberry Pearl devices. I figured "How hard can it be?", downloaded an emulator and got cracking :) I wanted to make the standard pages support the Pearl, I didn't want to wri… more »

IE6 & 7 Up/Down Keypress Issues with Ajax.Autocompleter in Scriptaculous 1.8.0

I started a new project at work today, adding some ajaxy interactivity to a slightly long in the tooth web application. In a previous iteration I'd plugged prototype.js 1.5.1 into this app, now I wanted snazzy effects and autocomplete fields. Figuring… more »

My First Website for Mobiles

At work we decided to purchase a few .mobi domains, not because we have any particularly compelling mobile content, but to boost the web presence of our mobile product and, mostly, to make sure no-one else snapped up the domain names we wanted. However t… more »

Doing Dumb Things with the Javascript Date Object

I ran into a weird (but, in retrospect, entirely predictable) problem generating dates. The code in question is supposed to kick in when the user is booking a resource for multiple days - this day each week for four weeks, this day each month for four m… more »
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