Categories: "Web Develop"

GDD07UK: New features in the Maps API

Review: New features in the Maps API at GDD07UK, The Brewery in London, 52 Chiswell Street, London 13:45 to 14:30 The talk started with a history/overview of Google Maps API - this was quite useful to me, because I wasn't that familiar with API to star… more »

Google Developer Day 2007 UK - Morning Sessions

OK, so I know I said I'd post at the weekend, and instead it's been a week, but I'm sure I'll catch up eventually... In this post I'll cover the morning - basically the keynote and lunch, and yes, before you ask, in my opinion anything up until the end… more »

Is your markup POSH?

Much like the cool name AJAX made DHTML seem sexy again, the standardista blogosphere has recently started pushing POSH as a new umbrella term for semantic markup good practice. I'm here to do my part to add what little weight I can to the meme. Not… more »

Rob discovers his Javascript inadequacies, chapter 442

It will probably come as no surprise to anyone who's given this blog a cursory glance, but today I once again tripped over yet another hole in my JS knowledge. At work I maintain several web applications for booking meeting rooms, because one of the mai… more »

Unobtrusive Javascript, Opera, <body onload= and window.onload

I was working on updating the design of one of the websites at work yesterday, the design was based on our stand at a recent exhibition and I had some cunning plans with regard to animating the page with unobtrusive javascript. The 'panel' on the right… more »

WSG London Accessibility Meetup

With my increasing interest in accessibility issues I signed up for the WSG London Accessibility Meetup as soon as I heard about it. I can't remember anything else I've tried to learn where I've had my preconceptions (misconceptions really) shattered on… more »

What is our legal exposure because of web accessibility laws?

I spent just over an hour and a half writing an email after one of the directors where I work asked this question. It occurs to me that most of what I said in the email had some general applicability and there may be other people out there getting asked… more »