Categories: "Web Develop"

Adventures in Web 3.0: Part 1 - HTML 5

Last week I was reading about the Event Apart re-design which uses HTML5. I have remained peripherally aware of HTML 5 (I'm on the mailing list) but mostly I've just been following the ongoing debate about adding RDFa to the spec (which has seemed, at b… more »

Mozilla Ubiquity

Mozilla announced a new labs project, Ubiquity, last week. It's intended to be a keyboard driven interface to advanced functionality in the web browser, similar to Gnome Do, which I've been using a lot recently, and the Mac application Quicksilver. I… more »

SearchMonkey Developer Event

Review: SearchMonkey Developer Event at Wallacespace, 2 Dryden Street, Covent Garden, London, England. WC2E 9NA. 18:30 to 20:00 I'd heard quite a lot about SearchMonkey, Yahoo!'s new search platform but not got around to checking it out, so I was hopi… more »

London Geek Nights: Ajax

Review: London Geek Nights: Ajax at London offices of ThoughtWorks UK. 18:30 to 20:30 First up was a talk by Remy Sharp on jQuery. I got the impression there were a fair few folk there who didn't have much experience with Javascript so it was quite in… more »

Fixing WackoWiki for PHP 5

For a long time now, I've had a WackoWiki implementation on my (not so technical) personal site. It was upgraded from a WikkaWiki which was installed back in March 2003, which makes it about four months older than this blog :) Anyway, the point is it… more »

In The Brain of Peter Elst: The evolution of the Flash Platform & ActionScript 3.0

Review: The evolution of the Flash Platform & ActionScript 3.0 at Skills Matter, Sekforde Street, London 18:30 to 20:00 This was my final London Web Week event, my curiosity for Flash had been piqued somewhat by my attendance at the onAIR London ev… more »

WSG London Findability Meetup

Review: Web Standards Group London Meetup at Westminster University, New Cavendish Street campus, London 19:00 to 21:00 Concepts of Findability (Cyril Doussin) - This was a whirlwind tour of the subject of findability, mostly based on Peter Morville's A… more »